The Royal Historical Society ~ Eighteenth Warwick Symposium on Parish Records
This year takes the form of a webinar
To be held on Saturday 7th November 2020 - 10.00am-6.00pm GMT
This year the theme of remembrance is addressed and very broadly defined.
In five panels dedicated to ‘Buildings’, ‘Communities’, ‘Records’, ‘Revolution’ and ‘Environments’, speakers from four countries explore aspects of material culture and natural settings, local commemorative cultures, various types of primary evidence and the long-term repercussions of moments of change from the Middle Ages to the present.
Keynote address: Nicola Whyte (Exeter), ‘Remembering the Parish Landscape’
Confirmed contributions:
- Ian Atherton (Keele), ‘Remembering the English Civil Wars in parish registers’
- Mary Carrick (Independent), ‘A very peculiar parish: Wawne, also Waghen in Holderness, East Yorkshire’
- John Craig (Simon Fraser), ‘Record keeping and remembrance in early modern London parishes’
- Lydia Fisher (Exeter), ‘Removed and rearranged: Recovering medieval stained glass from 19thC accounts’
- Alexander Hutton (King’s, London), ‘Remembering and forgetting the English historic county since 1945’
- Fiona McCall (Portsmouth), ‘The wickedly wicked times: loyalist memories of the interregnum parish’
- Imogen Peck (Warwick), ‘Veterans, commemorations and the politics of the parish in early modern England’
- Hannah Reeve (Newcastle), ‘Perambulation in Yorkshire: Boundary beating in the long eighteenth century’
- Michael Roth (Heidelberg), ‘Church foundation stones as time capsules in early modern European perspective’
- Michael Sewell (Essex), ‘Use of siege ruins in Colchester in the long nineteenth century’
- Hàìghlèàgh Winslade (Winchester), ‘Parish churches in the downland and their connections to the landscape’
- Stanisław Witecki (Kraków), ‘Recollections of 18thC everyday life in egodocuments of Polish-Lithuanian priests’
The Warwick Network for Parish Research warmly invites anyone with an active research interest in parishes to join the event as a discussant.
This virtual gathering will be facilitated by the Blackboard software – all you need is a device with an internet connection. For organizational reasons, however, advance registration is required.
All registered participants will receive access details shortly before the Symposium.
On the day, the hosts will strive to run everything as simply and smoothly as possible but please bear with us in case of any practical issues.
Please send your name, email and a brief description of related research interests to: – registrations will close on 31 October 2020.
For a full programme and future updates please visit our Symposium homepage at: https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/cross_fac/myparish/parishsymposia/2020remembering/