in Cheshire
If you are wishing to renew or upgrade membership then login to the website first to see your options otherwise you will be creating a new account with us.
If you upgrade to a higher level of membership you will only be charged the difference between your active membership and the new one and it will only last until your expiry date.
For more information and answers to any questions you might have:

Digital Cheshire Ancestor - Individual UK


The standard individual membership for members who don't wish to have a printed copy of Cheshire Ancestor and are domiciled in the UK.

Payments are via Standing Order or Cheque to renewals officer, or online via PayPal or credit/debit card.

Membership will continue until cancelled or no payment received.

Printed Cheshire Ancestor - Individual UK


The standard individual membership for members who wish to have a printed copy of Cheshire Ancestor and are domiciled in the UK

Digital Cheshire Ancestor - Family UK


The standard family membership for members who don't wish to have a printed copy of Cheshire Ancestor and are domiciled in the UK.

Family membership applies to up to 5 persons resident at the same address.

Printed Cheshire Ancestor - Family UK


The standard family membership for members who wish to have a printed copy of Cheshire Ancestor and are domiciled in the UK.

Family membership applies to up to 5 persons resident at the same address.

Only one copy of our quarterly journal (Cheshire Ancestor) will be sent.

Digital Cheshire Ancestor - Individual EU and ROW


The standard individual membership for members who don't wish to have a printed copy of Cheshire Ancestor and are domiciled outside of the UK

Printed Cheshire Ancestor - Individual EU and ROW


The standard individual membership for members who wish to have a printed copy of Cheshire Ancestor and are domiciled outside of the UK