Newly published book with local interest by ex-Northwich resident Peter Frank
'Growing Up With Foreigners'
Peter Frank was born in North Wales and grew up in North West England, namely Northwich, Marbury and Greenbank. Educationally Peter describes himself as an under-achiever, who scraped into grammar school, where between the ages of sixteen and eighteen he failed all his A-Levels and, notably, failed his English Language O-Level examination six times. He started work as a bonus clerk and then moved on to become a computer operator. Later, his work involved running acceptance tests on main-frame computers allowing him to travel widely in Britain, Czechoslovakia, and Russia. He then went to Australia for two years, where he began his career in computer sales. Peter ended his career as a Vice President of Software Sales, before moving to Austria for love. He graduated
with 2:1 BA Honours degree in European Studies in 2008.
The story is a mixture of adventure, fact, fear, fiction and fun about a German-Polish-Catholic woman from Upper Silesia and an Austrian-Jewish-Protestant man born in Vienna.
Before arriving in England in 1939, they enjoyed comfortable lives. The man escaped Nazi tyranny and the Holocaust but his parents didn't. The woman came to England to study. Her parents fled before the advancing Russian army to Bavaria in 1945.
They met, married and survived World War II together, living in poverty as stateless people. The man, being classified as an enemy alien, should have been interned on the Isle of Man. Had this happened, the woman would have been left destitute with a newly born daughter.
As we follow the lives of the stoic Pole and the excitable Austrian, their relationship is like Newton's first law of motion where the irresistible force meets the immovable object. It describes their exotic nature and their integration into English society in the 1950s and 1960s, whilst they still wanted to hold on to parts of their early lives that had gone forever.
Price - £7.99
Pegasus Elliot MacKenzie Publishers Ltd.
Tel: +44 (0) 1223 370012
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