in Cheshire

Latest news from the FHSC


All paid subscriptions to the Family History Society of Cheshire run from 1 July to the 30 June the following year.

However, if you join between 1 April and 30 June you will be granted membership until 30 June of the following year. This provides up to 15 months membership for the cost of 12 months.

NEWS - For 2020 ONLY  this offer has been extended so that anyone JOINING (not applicable to renewals) between 1 January and 30 June will be granted membership until 30 June 2021

Click on Membership where you can decide upon a membership plan which entitles you to be notified when our latest Ancestor goes online Normally £13 per annum, or if you would prefer to receive printed copies £18.  This means that if you join now your membership will cost £1 per month or less.  Your membership also entitles you to access surnames our members are researching and around twenty five other digital magazines from Societies across the world.  We are constantly adding to our recources online.

FOR MORE INFORMATION  read the instructions in the blue columns at the bottom of our website.  You can join directly on-line, but there is also a printable application form if you prefer to apply by post.


Derbyshire U3A conferences at Buxton

Angela and I attended their Conference in September and thoroughly enjoyed it. They have a fabulous line up of speakers including Dr Nick Barratt and Debbie Kennett.

They are hosting a half day conference on Friday 20th March where the topics will consist of what was life was like farming in Tudor times and Commonwealth War Graves records.

Their Full day conference in September Saturday 19th where topics will include One place Names – Janet Few., Putting your ancestors in place. Debbie Kennett on the Joy of Surnames and Dr Nick Barratt on House Histories. One more speaker yet to book.

Full details in the flyer and booking form click here

Tameside Archaeology Day at St John’s Saturday 29th  February2020

Looks like an exciting line up of lectures including the full graveyard project at St John’s, Mike Nevelle talking about the Priory at Cheetham’s Park, the Archaeological finds at Mesolithic sites at Iron Tongue Hill, Carrbook and Grange farm in Hattersley. Full details in the flyer attached plus booking form £10 for the day  Click here to download a flyer and booking form