in Cheshire

Latest news from the FHSC

'No Story Left Behind'

FindMyPast is offering free access to a different set of its records each weekend for the next four weekends in the run-up to Remembrance Day on 11 November.

The campaign is running with the slogan 'No Story Left Behind' and is hoping to encourage more people to discover the men and women who served in their family.

These are the weekends with the records that will be made free to researchers:

For full details see 👉

Transcription Tuesday 2024

Who Do You Think You Are magazine Transcription Tuesday volunteer event will return on 5 November.

This year, they are supporting two incredible projects, transcribing Irish Catholic parish records and a unique Welsh Women's Peace Petition from 1923. 

Here's how to get involved 👉

'Map the Census' is completed


The Genealogist has some exciting news this week -

Mark Bayley, Head of Online Development: "We're proud to announce the completion of our project to "map the census". Never before could you pin down your ancestors through each year, from 1841 all the way to the 1939 register. This visual approach to genealogy brings the past to life in ways never before possible."

Find out more 👉

Read the related blog 👉

REMEMBER that The Genealogist is available to members at our research centres in Crewe and Mobberley

Also that Mark is the guest speaker at the Crewe & Nantwich Group meeting held via Zoom on 12th November. He will be explaining all about the site and how to get the best out of it,  See for full details 

Burial Law Reform

The Law Commission is seeking to reform the law of burial in England and Wales and is also gauging solutions for unresolved issues in cremation law.

The consultation paper and a summary have been published and they are looking for views on the proposals. The consultation is open until 9 January 2025.

Read more here 👉 

and a related article by the BBC 👉