in Cheshire

British Library begins restoring digital services after cyber-attack

British Library begins restoring digital services after cyber-attack

A statement from the Briitsh Library yesterday [15th Jan 2024] reads


Today we’ve released a searchable online version of our main catalogue, which contains records of the majority of our printed collections as well as some freely available online resources. We have also expanded the range of items that can be accessed in our Reading Rooms at St Pancras, including the majority of our special collections. Advance online ordering is not currently available so you will need to come onsite to order the items you need via a manual process in the Reading Rooms. If you need to confirm the availability of a particular item in advance of your visit you can email our Reference Services team. To find out more about searching for and ordering collection items at the moment, please visit our website 👉

For more on this story you may like to read this article from the Guardian



Margaret Roberts

Margaret Roberts

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