in Cheshire

VE Day Help the BBC with your stories

VE Day Help the BBC with your stories

My name is Rav Dehele and I'm researcher with BBC. We are currently working on some programming in commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of VE Day. 


As a part of this programming we are currently working on making a short film that involves family members of veterans sending in a short video message to say thank you, and to say how proud they are of their family members' contribution and sacrifice during the Second World War. 


I was wondering if you would be able to share the official BBC flyer (see attached) with your members, or on your social media channels? We would love to try and as many video messages as possible.


The flyer directs people to an email address. Once they have sent an email to that address, they will receive instructions on what we would like to them film, how they need to film it - and will also provide a link for them to upload their videos.


Whether their family member was a solider, a Wren, an engineer, a pilot etc. - we think this short film would be the perfect way to honour and preserve their legacy. 


If you need any more information please do let me know - I am reachable by phone/email at any time.

Alternatively, if you have any direct contacts of those who served during the war - even in munitions factories etc - we would absolutely love to get in touch :)


Kind Regards,


Rav Dehele

Researcher - BBC VE Day 75

mob: 07931 475 028
