in Cheshire

Society AGM at Lion Saltworks

Society AGM at Lion Saltworks

This year for our GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY we held our AGM at the Lion Salt works at Northwich. It proved a very good format and an excellent venue.  We had two excellent talks, one by David Thomas our Northwich Group leader all about the Anderton Boatlift where he had worked for several years.  A Marveloous feat of engineering and a feature of the landscape fascinating to watch it in action.  Our second talk was by Peter Solan all about the history and extrraction of salt in Cheshire; how it was laid down and created in the first place and the vast millions of tons lying underneath Cheshire. I was particularly interested in his study of the linguistics of the word SALT prefixed SAL this side of Europe and over the Alps prefixed HAL.

The museum has an intersting shop with many books and crystals for sale.  Somee of us ate lunch atthe Salt barge Pub across the road. and after the afternoon talk wa a complimentary cream tea.

The business of our AGM was failry short and brief, with a report from our retiring Chairman, Victoria.  All the very best for you travels. our webmaster, Alan Bennett, was voted in as our new Chairman.  He has done the job before so knows what is expected.  He will continue as our Webmaster and will see us through a period of change for Family History Societies.




We also presented Ian Hartas with a lifelong membership for all his years of work creating and  implementing the UKBMD project now covering eleven geographical areas of the UK.  Thank you Ian.


Ian presentation
