in Cheshire

Searches on Local BMD

Searches on Local BMD

News from Ian Hartas at the Local BMD project - 


This week on one of the many facebook genealogy pages I saw that someone was looking for Sylvester Warrington.
The first person to reply stated that they had found a reference to Silvester Warrington instead. I.e. spelled
with an 'i' rather than a 'y'.
This made me think about the way that I had written the search code in the Local BMD Project websites and I realised
that it is possible to search for both Sylvester and Silvester first names in one search.
The same software updates that I made many moons ago to allow searches to specify multiple initials instead of
just a first name would also allow for this:
IE:  if a first name has varieties that differ by only one letter, then listing the different letters within square
brackets will return both Sylvester and Silvester in one search.
Note: This only applies to the forename field and only on the Local BMD Project websites.
If you want to see this in action, try it out on the Cheshire BMD births search:


Margaret Roberts

Margaret Roberts