Saturday 16 September 2023 at the Palace Hotel in Buxton
Mary Evans – ‘Chasing those Brickwalls!’
Dave Annal – Death & Taxes
Jackie Depelle – “Digging into the Parish Chest”
Dr Penny Walters – “Why the Welsh left Wales”
Tickets: £30. Book early to avoid disappointment - it’s always very popular.
Includes talks, refreshments & 2-course finger buffet lunch
Blue Badge holders – may park or drop off at hotel
Others - use side streets or the pay & display car parks
For car parks in Buxton see: https://en.parkopedia.co.uk/parking/buxton/
Once again, about 15 exhibitors will be there – old friends & new:
We plan to offer delegates a free goody bag and a free prize draw again.
To book your place, please complete the booking form on this link:
Please put your surname and postcode as a reference if paying by BAC - [ So we can match your payment with your form.]
Tickets will be issued at our reception desk on the day, not posted.