in Cheshire

Folder Computer Club Sub Groups

The Computer Club has formed a number of Sub-groups covering specific subjects of interest that tend to be specific to just those paid members who use them.

By doing this we’ve enabled regular Computer Club meetings to focus on wider ranging matters, without boring members less-interested in the sub-group key topics.

At the sub groups we can focus fully on their relevant subject more deeply and fully as members might wish.

These sub-groups are available to all paid members signed-up to the Computer Club.

If you’re interested in joining a sub-group, join FHSC as a paid member, edit your profile and ensure Computer Club = Y and then please email  stating which groups you wish to participate in.

Here’s the current list of Sub Groups and their administrators.

- Publishing our Family History Christine Wootton Monthly - last Monday - Afternoon 2:30

- DNA Peter Rowley Monthly - 4th Monday - Evening 7:30

- Family Historian Users Geoff Johnson Monthly - 3rd Thursday - Evening 7:30

- Family Tree Maker Users Bill Pearson not meeting very regularly - needs a Leader

- Mac & Reunion Users John Reed Monthly - 3rd Monday - Afternoon 2:00

- Online Newspapers Margaret Roberts Monthly - 1st Friday - Afternoon 2:30

- Windows Geoff Johnson but not really active at present


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