in Cheshire

Double Helix Project

Whilst Angela and I were at the U3A conference at Buxton in September, I spent sometime in discussion with this Manchester University project.  they promised to keep in touch with any progress.  It seemed at the time that they were going to release the results of their research fairly soon in a number of formats.

I received this email yesterday

"Hello to all of our collaborators, interviewees, and friends across the world!

I'm very glad to announce that we are going live today with our Double Helix History podcast, discussing some of the fascinating aspects of genetic genealogy and family history we came across during our year of interviews and events across 3 continents, where you can hear from a range of family historians and academics.
 You can listen to all 4 episodes now via Anchor:
 You can also search for us on iTunes and Spotify.
 Please feel free to share far and wide in your family history networks!
 We would like to thank everyone who has given their time and expertise to the project so far - you can see what we have been up to, and read our guest contributions on our blog: and Twitter account:
We have 3 articles in the can as a result of our interviews and focus groups ready for publication in the new year, so we hope to be in touch with further news when they are released, as well as about upcoming events in the UK. "
Best wishes 
Jerome & Matt

