in Cheshire

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Price: £2.00

This transcription appears to have been carried out in 2002-3 but it has only came to light in 2019. One or two pages have been retyped and errors noted in margins corrected. An index to the churchyard inscriptions has been added in 2019. There was no grave plan with the transcription.

There is evidence of a church on this site from 1287 and two chapels date from the 15th century. The Church was completely rebuilt between 1861 and 1878
Notable families in the history of the church are the Done Family, Crewe Family and the Arderne Family.

St. Helen's Church, Tarporley has parish registers beginning in 1558.

Tarporley is a small market 10 miles from Chester

Tarporley Parish includes the townships of Eaton, Rushton and Utkinson.

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