in Cheshire

Crewe & Nantwich Groups : Children in the Pottery Industry of North Staffordshire in 1840 – Ann Simcock

Crewe & Nantwich Groups :  Children in the Pottery Industry of North Staffordshire in 1840 – Ann Simcock

Children in the Pottery Industry of North Staffordshire in 1840 – Ann Simcock

In 1840, Samuel Scriven took testimony from workers, including children and local officials regarding their lives and the working conditions of those working in the pottery industry of North Staffordshire. 

Ann tells the heart wrenching stories connected with these children.

To express an interest in attending this zoom meeting please email me at   and include  zoom 13th Feb. in the subject line.  I will forward joining details and links a few days before the meeting.


Event Information

Event Date 13-02-2024 7:30 pm
Cancel Before Date 13-02-2024 6:15 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price FHSC Members Only
Location Zoom