in Cheshire

Crewe Group: The Value of Family History in Dementia

Crewe Group: The Value of Family History in Dementia

An extra meeting from Crewe group this month via Zoom and open is ALL FHSC members,  registration is required and is open until 3rd June, please click on the ‘Register [Individual]’ button below. Your Zoom invitation will be sent by email approximately 24 hours before the talk

Talk details 

People suffering from dementia and memory loss often find solace in reminiscing about their parents, siblings, and the more distant past. As the ability to create new memories wanes, older memories become more deeply ingrained. Remarkably, individuals with dementia can still recall vivid details from their earlier lives.

Understanding a person’s early life is crucial. It not only provides meaningful topics for discussion but also serves as a memory stimulus. By delving into these formative years, we can engage in more meaningful conversations with friends and family members. These discussions not only benefit the person with dementia but also foster connections and understanding among loved ones.

By helping to cherish early life experiences we can enrich the lives of those with dementia and create lasting connections within families. Exploring known people and places from the past creates common ground among family members. It’s a bridge that connects generations and fosters shared memories.

Jude will start by giving a short presentation which will be followed by questions and group discussion.

More about Jude: 

Jude Rhodes is a professional genealogist who runs Stories of Our Generations. She lives in the Yorkshire Dales and specialises in family and local history in Yorkshire. She is an Associate of AGRA (Association of Genealogists and Researchers in Archives) and an Outreach Team committee member of BALH (British Association of Local History). Jude is also a Registered Adult Nurse. A branch of Jude’s research is 'Exploring Memories Through Family History' where she works with individuals and their families who are affected by dementia and memory loss to create books which assist in meaningful conversations and bring comfort to the individual.

Please contact  for more details if required 



Event Information

Event Date 04-06-2024 7:30 pm
Event End Date 04-06-2024 9:00 pm
Cut Off Date 03-06-2024 11:55 pm
Cancel Before Date 04-06-2024 7:30 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 31
Individual Price FHSC Members only
Location Zoom

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