in Cheshire

Computer Club February Meeting

Introductions and Welcome, especially to new members

A welcome and reminder for any newcomers. We’re getting around 40 members at our meetings.

After more than two years use, the `regulars’ have become familiar and professional with Zoom.

Meeting `discipline' is good, but occasionally members may somewhat prolong a discussion.

There are a lot of people at the meeting, and  they all may like a chance to join in.

I and the committee ask that: 

  • Everyone please avoid `jumping in’.  Use the 'Raise Hand' option before raising any topic. 
  • Try and focus on the subject being discussed at the time;  New Subject - New hand-raise.
  • We ask that you avoid rambling into other side topics.
  • Please don't be offended if I or one of the Co-hosts jump-in to bring the discussion back to the topic.


Cloud Storage & Backups

Mark Draper has kindly offered to talk about this topic for us.

He suggests that there’s a deal of misinformation and misunderstanding about cloud storage, and backups in general.

I agree!

Mark will show us how he uses OneDrive and how it fits into his general backup routines.

I suspect the discussion will grow!

Windows Sub Group

We never got this one off the ground, and I feel that we ought to reconsider the need.

Please see the possible list of topics, and my notes on the Computer Club’s section of the website.

Login, and on the Main Menu follow:

Groups > Computer Club > Subject Matter Sub-groups > Computer Club Sub Groups

Go to the bottom and download the pdf - Window Subgroup - Possible Startup – Draft

Have a read and we’ll discuss the generalities on Wednesday.

Question Time - for everyone

Do you need some help?  Please think about your current problems. Ask any question on any Family History or Computer-related subject.

Someone will have an answer for you - no question is too simple!

Geoff Johnson

Computer Club Leader &

Net That Serf Editor

Family History Society of Cheshire

01829 760422

Event Information

Event Date 14-02-2024 7:30 pm
Event End Date 14-02-2024 9:30 pm
Cancel Before Date 14-02-2024 7:30 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price FHSC Members only
Location Zoom