in Cheshire

Membership of the Family History Society of Cheshire is renewable every 12 months after the initial joining date. (Memberships taken out before 2021 expire on 30th June each year.) The table below lists the costs of a 12-month membership of the various types:


Cheshire Ancestor




UK Individual



UK Family



Overseas Individual



From time to time, things go wrong with payments. The amount paid might be less than it should be for the chosen membership type, but the most frequent problem is that members pay more often than necessary. In case of problems, we need to contact the member to correct the anomaly. We use email or telephone calls if we have the contact details, but for many members, we have neither an email address nor a telephone number. Please let us have your current contact details, so that we can help you correct your payments if they go amiss. You can update your details on the website, on the renewal form, email to . or send a letter to:

Kevin Dean, 7 Fields Drive, Sandbach, CW11 1YB


New members may take out their membership through the website or by completing the 2-page application form below.


Members may choose one of the following options for making the payment which then triggers the extension of the expiry date in the membership record by 12 months. The options are listed in order of the effort required from the renewals team. Payment through the website is easiest for us, but all the options shown are available if required.

Payment Through The Website

You may pay online at Log in and click on the Profile/Renew/Upgrade icon then Join/Renew/Upgrade. Follow the links to select the type of membership you want to renew. The website payment option allows you to pay using a debit or credit card even if you have no PayPal account. If you do have a PayPal account, you may set up a recurring annual payment – like a standing order. If PayPal prevents you from making a payment and you don’t know why, read the FAQ entitled How to Pay via PayPal without a PayPal account. The website payment option not only takes your payment; it also extends the expiry date in your membership record by 12 months immediately.

Direct Payment into the FHSC Current Account

The renewals team monitors payments into the FHSC current account on a weekly basis. If a payment arrives from your current account either as a standing order, or as a one-off payment, the renewals team identifies your membership record from the name and membership number included and extends the expiry date in your membership record by 12 months. Please ensure that you include at least your membership number in the payment reference. Your surname may also be helpful if you send a payment from a bank account with a name other than your own.

If you wish to set up or amend a standing order for your subscription and you have no online access to your bank account, you may use the standing order form below, which you must complete in full and SEND TO YOUR BANK.

To make a direct payment to the FHSC bank account, use the details listed below:

  • The account name is: The Family History Society of Cheshire
  • account number: 22835506
  • sort code: 09-01-51

Sending A Cheque

To renew your membership using a cheque, please make it payable to FHS of Cheshire and send it to:

Kevin Dean, 7 Fields Drive, Sandbach, CW11 1YB

Please write on the back of the cheque your membership number or your address. The table at the top of this FAQ shows the cost of each membership type. Please do not send a post-dated cheque.

If any of your details change, you may inform us by completing the renewal form printed in the June edition of the Cheshire Ancestor or the 2-page application form below.


If you wish to change the type of membership you enjoy, your membership record must change to reflect the change and you must change the payment amount. If you wish to upgrade to a more expensive membership, you may change both the membership record and make the payment through the website upgrade process. Log in at and click on the Profile/Renew/Upgrade icon then Join/Renew/Upgrade. Follow the links to select the type of membership you want to choose. You will be charged the difference between your active membership and the new one and it will last until your expiry date, when you will be asked to renew at the cost of the new membership type.

If you wish to change to a less expensive membership, the website process is inappropriate, and you should email to . or send a letter to:

Kevin Dean, 7 Fields Drive, Sandbach, CW11 1YB


If you no longer wish to be a member of The Family History Society of Cheshire, please email to . or send a letter to:

Kevin Dean, 7 Fields Drive, Sandbach, CW11 1YB

In the absence of a resignation, those who have not renewed their subscriptions 90 days after expiry of their membership will be regarded as no longer being members and will receive no further copies of the Cheshire Ancestor, nor have access to the members only area of the Society’s website. Lapsed members may resume active membership, on payment of the appropriate amount.



Please print clearly




Post Code/Zip........................................... Tel No………………............................................................................

Email address..............................................................................................................................................................

Tick one box to indicate your preference for your main group

Alsager 

Bebington 

Chester 

Congleton 

Crewe 

Macclesfield 

Nantwich 

Northwich 

Runcorn 

Sale 

Tameside 

Wallasey 


Tick if you also want to become a member of the Computer Club. 

SUBSCRIPTION TYPE - please circle one of the options below:


Cheshire Ancestor




UK Individual



UK Family



Overseas Individual



From July 2021 new memberships start on the day of receipt of application and expire 12 months later.

CASH (not for postal applications) Total Payment £…………….……..

CHEQUES made payable to FHS of Cheshire Total Payment £...............................

STANDING ORDER Please tick here , complete the separate standing order form and SEND IT TO YOUR BANK

DEBIT/CREDIT CARD instead of completing this form, please click Join FHSC on the website

To add Gift Aid to your membership donation you must sign in the space below or, if you wish to cancel your Gift Aid declaration, sign below and tick here ☐

I want to GIFT AID my current donation and any donations I make in the future or have made in the last 4 years to:

The Family History Society of Cheshire Registered Charity No 515168

I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

Signature …………………………………….……………..Date…………………

Please tick where you heard about The Family History Society of Cheshire:

  1. Current member
  2. FHSC Website
  3. Online Genealogy Show
  4. Social Media
  5. Other


FHSC requests members to provide their personal details so they can be kept informed about the Society’s activities and advised of any problems with their subscription. Information given to FHSC will:

  • be stored securely
  • only be used to communicate with FHSC Membership
  • only be passed to a third party where necessary to communicate with members

I apply for membership of the Family History Society of Cheshire and agree that my personal details may be used in accordance with the privacy statement above.

Signature: Date:

Send completed form with payment to FHSC Membership Enrolment Secretary:

Mrs A Moore, 6 Woodlands Close, Stalybridge, Cheshire. SK15 2SH

Standing Order Form for UK Banks Only

Complete this form in full and RETURN IT TO YOUR BANK in time for them to make the payment on or before the date you specify.

To (Insert the name of your Bank)…………………………………….....…….. PLC

Branch Address ……………………………………………………………………….


Bank Post Code …………………………

Account Number ……………………… Bank Sort Code …………………

Account Name ...............................…………...…………....…..

Please pay to Santander Business Bank plc and credit the account of

The Family History Society of Cheshire

account number 22835506 sort code 09-01-51 the sum of £…………………… on …….. enter date here…….. and annually thereafter on the same date until further notice and debit my account accordingly.

My membership number is………………and MUST be used as payment ID


Signature…………………………………………… Date……………………

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