in Cheshire

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Folder Clayton Hall

Clayton Hall

Our Group's visit to Clayton Hall 3rd November 2017.  Originally the home of the Byrom Family from the 1300s, but probably built on an earlier structure. Later purchased by Humphrey and George Chetham.  Humprhey became the richest man in Manchester in the early 1600s by producing an early cloth called Fustian.  His brother George was based in the London Markets.


Humphrey started the first Blue Coat School, The First Public Free Library and a Hospital.  Later the School became Chethams School of Music.  The house became the property of Manchester Council and was tenanted up until 2014, when it was taken over by the Friends of Clayton Hall Living History Museum. They have done a wonderful job in the short space of time, and looked after us very well.


One interesting feature is the now dry moat, drained by the council and concreted.  The Friends would love to have an examination by Geophys and Archaeology to see what can be found under the moat.

Fairfield Moravian Settlement

Taken when our group visited the settlement.