Association of Genealogists & Researchers in Archives

Association of Genealogists & Researchers in Archives

Ask the Experts Week 20-25th July 2020


Tune in every day to watch some of AGRA's finest bringing their expertise to bear on your family history questions


Join six of the Association's top experts as they answer questions put by readers of Who Do You Think You Are Magazine. Each twenty-minute session goes live at 1pm (BST) daily between 20 and 25 July. And why not join each expert as they answer questions live after each session.

A new video will be each be released at 1pm (BST) each day as follows:

  • Monday 20 July - Missing births, with Sharon Grant.
    Sharon, of Grantshire Genealogy, is the Chair of AGRA and will be answering questions on tracing the origins of missing and mysterious ancestors where birth records are proving elusive.
  • Tuesday 21 July - Civil registration, with Antony Marr.
    Antony is a researcher who also worked as a deputy registrar, and will be discussing how best to use civil registration records to solve problems.
  • Wednesday 22 July - Welsh research, with Gill Thomas.
    Gill is a professional genealogist specialising in researching and running courses about Welsh Ancestry. In this session she makes suggestions as to how best to untangle the Welsh surnames maze and also looks at the importance of using Non-Conformist records where searching parish records in isolation has led to a brick wall.
  • Thursday 23 July - Military records, with Simon Fowler.
    Simon is a researcher specialising in records of the armed forces and the two world wars. He will be answering questions on the military side of family history.
  • Friday 24 July - Missing records, with Carol Ann Kerry-Green.
    Carol is an experienced genealogist researching in and about Yorkshire. She will be answering questions on finding missing documents and illegitimacy.
  • Saturday 25 July - Missing records & DNA, with Mike Sharpe.
    Mike is a researcher specialising in the West Midlands and writing family histories. He will be answering questions on Birmingham & Black Country records and using DNA to breakdown brickwalls.

Find the videos at

Listen along and share your comments within YouTube, or on Twitter/Facebook using the hashtag #AskAGRA