in Cheshire

Crewe & Nantwich Group: Oh Dear What Can the Matter Be? by Margaret Roberts

Crewe & Nantwich Group: Oh Dear What Can the Matter Be? by Margaret Roberts

-Auntie Jo is Lost in the Family Tree.

Representing women equally in our research is challenging because they are not equally represented in the historical records. Nevertheless, every ancestor deserves thorough, accurate, and honest research, this can be especially hards when researching women. Margaret offers hints and tips to think creatively and expand your perspective, all of which will help you put your female ancestors into their context. 

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Event Information

Event Date 11-02-2025 7:30 pm
Event End Date 11-02-2025 9:00 pm
Cancel Before Date 11-02-2025 7:30 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price FHSC Members only
Location Zoom