in Cheshire

Price: £2.00

Work on the memorial inscriptions for St. Lawrence Stoak was first carried out by T.E. Ward in 1976
and was continued by Hartley Jones, a member of the Family History Society of Cheshire around
1982. Initially only the green area of the churchyard was transcribed so Hartley Jones continued
with the red area and with Mrs Morris working on the blue area. A member of Chester Group of
the Family History Society of Cheshire added a few others, date unknown, and a few corrections
were made on the original transcript. Hartley Jones’s work on this churchyard was never typed up
and was amongst the folders belonging to Tarporley Group of the FHSC handed in when that Group
During the typing up of these transcriptions corrections were made, where dates or names were
questioned by the original transcribers. Images of the burials of Stoak Church are now on-line and
were used for these corrections. The original grave plans drawn in 1976 have also had a few
alterations as a few additional graves were identified in the later work. The grave plans were then
March 2021

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